We thought it would be a fun idea to play beer pong but add a little twist to it. Each of us picked 6 different foods that we both despise and some of the foods were surprisingly good and others we will never eat them again. The loser of the challenge combines all of their nasty foods together and blend them and drink it. This was so much fun and we hope you guys like this, because we would like to do this again and maybe have some friends join next time. VIDEOS MENTIONED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmrrZjRcAxo&t=147s Give this video a LIKE, COMMENT down below of what you want us to do next & SUBSCRIBE! SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram - @therelatablegirls22 Twitter - @therelatablegi3 FOLLOW JESSICA AT: Twitter - @JessicaHeiner22 Instagram - @JessicaHeiner22 FOLLOW BROOKE AT: Twitter - @brookepoirier2 Instagram - @poirierb_